
Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Good Morning!

Another beautiful morning in Colton's Point!
I hope everyone has a wonderful Tuesday :)

Monday, September 21, 2009

"The Routine"

As a kid, the hot summer months could sometimes hold you hostage in the house with the AC. Days such as these left you with only a few options, depending on your household (and age): Anything involving dress up, video games, make believe or music. If you had parents like mine, video games were pretty much out of the question, and dress up and make believe could only last so long before boredom set in; Leaving us with music, sweet, sweet music!

The early days consisted of cassette tapes and the few radio stations we could actually pick up, then we gradually progressed to CD's. But what didn't change? The Routines.

Practicing until we had every move down pat, we'd have our routines perfected just in time to bombard our parents as they walked through the door from work. Our routines changed based on music selection and mood, not to mention skill level.

Growing up I thought we were the only ones with "Routines", but recently I have been enlightened. It all started when I saw 'The Routine' episode of FRIENDS. Brother and sister duo, Ross and Monica, busted out their routine below. At the time, it was the funniest thing I'd ever seen, but it made me realize, maybe we weren't the only family creating and performing these crazy "Routines".

And then it happened. So quickly and naturally. Last weekend, my darling boyfriend and his sister jumped onstage at Howl at the Moon in Baltimore (to understand why this was such an easy task, visit and performed what I believe was a routine. While he claims he was just following her lead, it was too well rehearsed and smooth for me to buy it. There were some underlying roots of routines past radiating off the stage. I wasn't able to capture it on video, however I was able to snap a few pictures.

I'm determined to believe every family has some sort of routine up their sleeves for special moments like this, and if they don't they should!

Monday, September 14, 2009

Slowing Down...

2009 has pretty much been a whirl wind for me. My weekends are consistently filled with plans and schedules and between work, softball and laundry (you'd be amazed at the amounts of clothes that accumulate at our house) during the week, I sometimes feel as if my life will never slow down. And looking at my calendar, I've decided it won't be anytime soon, so I'm just going to make time to relax and enjoy the simple things in life.

For example, this past weekend was packed with family, parties and softball, but I was able to slip outside for a few minutes Saturday morning and take in the scenery. In all honesty I attempted to go for a run only to find myself incredibly winded and decided to WALK around the Point and take some pictures instead!

I was surprised there weren't many people out and about, but it did allow for some lovely uninterrupted photos.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

My Apologies

I've been trapped in another world for the past few days, and in all honesty I don't want to come back to face reality. Escaping to Forks to follow the characters of the Twilight saga has completely engrossed me. COMPLETELY. Now I understand why basically the entire country is so obsessed with the books and movie(s). Even though I've just finished Twilight on Monday and begun reading New Moon yesterday, I cannot get my mind off of it. Stephanie Meyer has such an easy yet exhilarating flow to her writing it's nearly impossible NOT to fall in love with the characters. I can't wait to finish the next three books, I am glad I finally decided to jump on the bandwagon. Ok, don't lie, how can you resist loving the books when this is the Edward you are envisioning as he breaks the mold-no demolishes the mold-of the perfect man, or in his case vampire?

On another note, I was more than thrilled to spend Saturday morning with the one and only Jacob Smith! His precious little smile certainly lights up the room. It was a nice morning at the point to say the least. I love getting to spend time with Bubba's family.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Hellooooo September!

Hello September: You are beautiful and I love you. That's all!