So Bubba and I technically had our first Halloween "together" this year. And by together I mean out on our own, being able to decorate our house, carve pumpkins and give out candy-even if we only got about 10 trick-or-treaters. That's better than none! Anyway-we had our first Halloween and I think it was a success...we dressed up as Peggy and Al Bundy from Married With Children!

Another thing that I've been thinking about lately is my career path. It's a tough pill to swallow every month as I am paying my student loans and realize that I am probably only putting about 25% of that specific education to use. Before I graduated I knew that if I moved home, my odds of actually having a career in advertising or public relations was pretty slim to none, but that was a risk I was willing to take in order to be close to my family and the one place I truly love, St. Mary's County. But now, like I said, it can be hard to deal with, but that's just something I'll have to get over. In fact, I've never been more ready or willing to try and pursue something non-traditional in my life when it comes to my career. I was telling my mom just the other day that I am good at "stuff", how do I make a business or career out of "stuff"? And just what do I mean by stuff? I love organizing, simplifying, decorating, cleaning, making things look pretty, anything classic, planning themes for parties etc. That is my "stuff", so how do I make that happen? Your guess is as good as mine (and much appreciated!;) Since I was young I knew I wanted to be a stay at home mom some day, and as I get older, I've realized that it's hard for families to only have one bread winner and that for a mom to contribute, but still spend the ample, quality time she desires with her children, her own business or work from home business would be the best way. I'm just planning ahead here people :)

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