Hi. Is anyone there? Ahh, ok-so I'm back. Blogging. And it feels good. It's been entirely too long, and I have no one to blame but myself, I have been slacking, but all with good reason. (Anyone who knows me, knows that I always manage to have an excuse for everything). But this time it's totally legit. Getting engaged in December and planning a wedding for September put somewhat of a time crunch on my life. Being the perfectionist that I am, playing out every scenario and orchestrating every little detail has been consuming my time as of late. Not only that, things have picked up at work too, so my free time there is limited. Oh and softball started, I joined the gym, I'm trying to keep the house clean and laundry done...yes, life is fast paced around these parts.
Never fear though, I'm back! And hopefully better than ever :) I've got tons of fabulous blogging material saved up and will be posting as much as possible, as soon as possible!!
For now though, check out this sweet piece of hail (one of a bazillion) that landed in my yard about an hour or two ago...It was awesome watching the rain come across the river, straight into our yard, and then how the hail just seemed to be jumping up out of the ground. AND we could see our breath even though it wasn't cold outside. Totally insane, but totally entertaining for the Bubster and I!

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