It's official, Bubba and I are the new homeowners of a perfect little cottage we've been renting for the past two years that over looks the Potomac River. We've been trying to purchase the house since November and just went to settlement last Friday. But let's not dwell on the past or the ridiculous amount of time it took to make it ours. With all the paperwork signed, Bubba and I are looking forward to our life in OUR new home! We celebrated with some champagne and pizza that night, and here is the first picture of us in our house as homeowners:

Bubba's favorite part about the house now being ours? The garage. Since this house was built in the 1920's it isn't your typical garage that is attached to the house. It is detached, very roomy, concrete floor, cinder block walls, and even has an old school wood stove in it for heat. I really think that Bub would spend his every waking hours out there organizing his tools, burning logs and building things. (I guess this means he found his man cave and now we don't have to put one IN the house, so I'm not complaining).
I am so lucky to be married to a man who is such a handyman. Growing up on a farm and working in the construction/home building business with his uncle for a few years has really taught him a lot about repairing, restoring and creating from scratch. Take, for instance, this old cabinet our former landlord had in the garage and let us purchase from her for $50.

I didn't have time to snap a picture of the cabinet before we started this project, but this is close enough. If you look carefully you can see the green paint on the right side...the entire cabinet was carelessly covered in it and looks like it was made out of random pieces of wood. Probably not worth the $50 we paid for it, but that's ok. Bubba took it apart, and reassembled it so it wasn't as flimsy, trimmed about 5 inches off the bottom, sanded it in order to get the clumpy green paint smoothed out and then added a fresh coat (or two or three) of white paint. He removed the hinges and knobs, spray painted them black along with the top of the shelf, tried his best to remove the paint on the glass doors with some goof off and then put it all back together. And voila! We have a "new" TV cabinet for our living room. And don't worry, I'll be windex-ing and putting all kinds of goodies in the cabinet itself very soon!

Stay tuned for our next big project made completely from scratch: a kitchen island :) Here is a little sneak peek: