
Thursday, July 29, 2010


I apologize for the lack of blogging here in the past few weeks.  But I've gone through some major changes, and time is somewhat scarce at the moment.  For example, I started a new job this week!  I'm still with the same company, but instead of working as the internal communications liaison, I'm now working directly for a government customer as a Marketing Assistant.  So far it seems like some pretty fun stuff, and a great group of people to work with.

I'm also only 37 days away from my wedding!  To anyone else 37 days probably seems like a decent amount of time, but to me it's like nothing.  I have to say, I think we are pretty well prepared and are going to have quite a fabulous event.  I can't wait :)  Here are some exclusive details that hopefully won't leak anything too major:

Evening wedding, aubergine & black, pearls & diamonds, live entertainment, DYI projects, lots and lots of white lights!

(inspiration colors)

Is that enough to get your juices flowing and excited about our big day?! I know it is for me!  After the big day and our sweet little honeymoon in Mexico I will be sure to post a "greenweddingshoes-ish or southern wedding-ish" type blog for you all to see.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

The Little Things

It's the little things in life that make me smile.  Recently I've noticed something that I find so sweet, I just had to share.  There is an older couple in our neighborhood who take walks at least a few times a day.  And they hold hands while they are walking!  Big deal, right?  Yes! At least I think so...

I remember how I used to get butterflies as a young teen when I'd get to hold the hand of  theboy I had a crush on.  My fiance and I are pretty affectionate people and try to hold hands when appropriate, but I just think it's the cutest thing to see these grandparents walking down the street, getting their exercise and spending a loving moment together.

Definitely makes my heart smile.

(Not the actually couple or my photo, but I thought it was pretty appropriate!)

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

God Bless America

Happy 4th of July from Point Breeze Palaver!  We were able to spend a hot, but relaxing long weekend in the most beautiful place in St. Mary's County.  Our home, the 7th District!  Many don't understand the term "7D" and associate it with rednecks, bad cell phone service and 'the end of the earth'.  Ok, so there may be a few rednecks, you will most likely lose a bar or two of service once your turn at the 4 way stop in Clements, and when driving into the 7th you may feel like you're going to the end of the earth, but that isn't what defines this one of a kind area.  It's the kind and caring people with old school ways about them, and the natural beauty that jumps out at your know matter where you turn.  The 7D is not only a beautiful place to live and raise a family, but it's a lifestyle as well.  You learn to appreciate the culture that St. Mary's County was founded on, and the slower speed of life which many of the residents still try and uphold.  So next time your tempted to make a crass joke about the 7th and the people who live in it, look around and ask yourself if you're lucky enough to be surrounded by the beauty and peace that they are: