
Monday, March 14, 2011

Mindy's March Madness

I do love March for the college basketball excitement, but this March Madness isn't quite the same.  A normally dull and rainy month has suddenly turned into a busy and exciting month! 

The month started out on a bad note when I developed a pretty nasty sinus infection and had to drag myself to the Doctors and miss a few days of work.  But with a few antibiotics I think (*knock on wood*) that it's mostly cleared up. 

Work has been pretty crazy as well.  The primary project my team has been working on is all coming to a head this week.  We market a government product and part of our plan is to create a forum for people who use this product and brief them on how to utilize it better, upcoming advancements, etc.  This week will be a true test of our hard work in planning this event.  Since the forum is in sunny California some of the team is out there to run the event while some of us (unlucky ones I guess) are here in deary Maryland maintaining any other problems or tasks that may occur.

The highlight of March?  This past weekend.  My sister-in-law married her longtime sweetheart and it couldn't have been more perfect.  They are clearly meant to be together and the love and respect they have for each other was very apparent at their ceremony and reception.  I won't give away too many details here because I plan to post about it in its entirety later in it's own post.  Unfortunately because Bubba and I were both in the wedding we didn't get to take a *single picture of our own, but I have not doubt that the photographer took some wall hangers!

I plan on wrapping March up with something I've been looking forward to for a few months now.  Back in December I received a performance bonus from work and since we were buying the house and saving for our Europe trip I decided to save the majority of it.  I did manage to pull out a chunk of it to pay for a National Geographic Photography workshop/seminar in Washington DC.  If you know anything about National Geographic, you know that they have some of the most memorable and beautiful photographs around.  The topic of discussion at this particular seminar:  A Passion for Travel:  Photos that tell the Story.  I can't wait to go and absorb every bit of information and advice that I can from these esteemed photographers and learn how to enhance my hobby and passion.

*Ok, so I did get to take 1 picture at the was on my cell phone, but you can still see what a beautiful bride Ashley was!  Like I said, more to come on her wedding...

And because this is supposed to be a writing and photography blog, here is a shot of my old and disabled cat, Max.  He may not be able to hear or see very well, but he is still hanging in there and was definitely enjoying the warm weather and sunshine yesterday:

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