It really is the most wonderful time of the year, the song’s not lying. Christmas brings out the believer in all of us. Well, not all of us, you can always find a scrooge here and there, but the majority of people seem to come to life around the holidays.
Even though this isn’t our first Christmas in the cottage, it is our first as homeowners. (Technically we haven’t gone to settlement yet – but more on that aggravation later…) To me, everything about Colton’s Point living screams “vintage” or “old time” especially when it comes to Christmas. Bubba has already made it clear that a fake tree will not be allowed in our house.
Step 1 to an old-time Christmas? A live tree. Our tree is adorned with white and red lights, the few special ornaments we have, and a pack or two of red and green bulbs from target.
Step 2: Lining the roof with white lights. OK, so maybe it isn’t THAT vintage or old school, but it certainly gives it a nice touch.
The wrapping paper tops it off. The 3rd step to our vintage Christmas in the Point is our wrapping paper. Classic red and green plaid patterns for thick, hand tied bows, along with the occasional pop of cream colored wrapping paper and bags.
No matter how you celebrate Christmas in your home, whether it be mod, classic, contemporary or vintage, I wish you all the happiness the season has to bring!