Earlier today I promised myself I'd make an effort to get back on track and blog more often. So while Bubba's out playing in his new most favorite thing in the world (our garage) I'll take these few quiet minutes to post a little blog. And a pretty superficial one at that...I want to blog about fashion! Ok, so I'm certainly no fashionista, but I do love a beautiful outfit.
Honestly, I didn't even watch the Screen Actor's Guild Awards last night (I can't stand the awkward, forced small talk between the E! people and the celebs during the red carpet "preshow" or whatever...) but perusing the Internet today I did see quite a few stunning outfits that I'd like to deem blogworthy.
First is Mila Kunis...Ok, so I may have a tiny girl-crush on the beautiful Miss Kunis, but that shouldn't take away from the fact that her gown was gorgeous. The belted waste and long flowing hair made the outfit!
Another crush that managed to pull off a classic look? John Krasinski...Black on black on black, perfect!
I had no idea who this next girl was, so I had to Google her. Apparently she is on GLEE and apparently I need to start watching it, I've heard it's a huge guilty pleasure. Anyway, her dress is just adorable with the little bow around the waist and the sparkle throughout!
Another personal favorite was Tina Fey. I really liked her red flowery dress, it was a beautiful color red with just enough design to make it eye catching.
And for the pregnant woman in your life, we have Jane Krakowski in a disco ball-esque, 1 shoulder, silver dress. And as sloppy as that description sounds, I actually think it's very cute!
Finally, to wrap up this nonsense I have a "WTF" outfit from the Awards Show. Everyone makes fashion mistakes, especially me, but I am also not a famous actress or actor who can afford a stylist...not sure what this girl was thinking...from head to toe...
Monday, January 31, 2011
Distracted Much?
I have been feeling like the worst blogger ever lately. I was doing so good and was on such a roll with postings there for a while, but then I just crashed. And it's not from lack of happenings or events in my life, because I'm busier than ever. That might actually be the problem, I'm running out of time to blog...Eek! I'm trying to jump back on the wagon here and get a few posts on the books.
So what's been keeping me so busy lately? Well, for starters work. But I'm not complaining. There is nothing I hate more than being bored at work, so I'm really happy about the sudden abundance of tasks, etc. But it has been keeping me pretty preoccupied.
Next? Physical Therapy. Not something I really thought I'd ever need to do, but back in December I found myself miserable with pain running through my left arm. I thought it was just my elbow out of place or something, but after a visit to my orthopedic surgeon I found out it was not only my elbow, but my neck as well. So, at his advice I have been going to Physical Therapy for the past few weeks to straighten things out, literally.
Our family has been keeping us pretty busy too. But that is the best kind of busy you could ever ask for. Between family dinners, new babies, future weddings and special anniversaries our families are keeping us on our toes.
Finally, one of the biggest distractions in my life? Our house. Our quaint little cottage that is straight out of a story book...Ok, well hopefully by the time we're done updating and making a few improvements it will be story book material. Not that it isn't adorable now, but we've got some great projects and ideas we can't wait to get started on. That's the problem; We can't wait to get started on them, but we have to. Because our settlement date has been pushed back again! But now it's set in stone and the house will be all ours in February as long as everything goes as planned. I've heard so many horror stories about buying homes and how long it takes, but never in my life did I expect it to take THIS long. I just have to remind myself of how lucky we are to be buying such a beautiful place.
[Here's a little peek at the first of MANY improvements to be done to our little bedroom. I can't wait to get moving and have some before and after photos for you all to see :)]
So what's been keeping me so busy lately? Well, for starters work. But I'm not complaining. There is nothing I hate more than being bored at work, so I'm really happy about the sudden abundance of tasks, etc. But it has been keeping me pretty preoccupied.
Next? Physical Therapy. Not something I really thought I'd ever need to do, but back in December I found myself miserable with pain running through my left arm. I thought it was just my elbow out of place or something, but after a visit to my orthopedic surgeon I found out it was not only my elbow, but my neck as well. So, at his advice I have been going to Physical Therapy for the past few weeks to straighten things out, literally.
Our family has been keeping us pretty busy too. But that is the best kind of busy you could ever ask for. Between family dinners, new babies, future weddings and special anniversaries our families are keeping us on our toes.
[Two of our favorite family distractions!]
Finally, one of the biggest distractions in my life? Our house. Our quaint little cottage that is straight out of a story book...Ok, well hopefully by the time we're done updating and making a few improvements it will be story book material. Not that it isn't adorable now, but we've got some great projects and ideas we can't wait to get started on. That's the problem; We can't wait to get started on them, but we have to. Because our settlement date has been pushed back again! But now it's set in stone and the house will be all ours in February as long as everything goes as planned. I've heard so many horror stories about buying homes and how long it takes, but never in my life did I expect it to take THIS long. I just have to remind myself of how lucky we are to be buying such a beautiful place.
[Here's a little peek at the first of MANY improvements to be done to our little bedroom. I can't wait to get moving and have some before and after photos for you all to see :)]
Sunday, January 16, 2011
Projects Galore
First I'd like to state that I'm blogging from my mothers iPad. As much as we tease her about being obsessed with this thing I have to admit that I'm pretty jealous. Technology has truly out-done itself with this one.
As our house buying process is (very) slowly coming to an end and we are preparing for settlement, we've decided to start a few of our small projects. Numero Uno? The master bedroom. Ok, so it's a little hard to call it master since all the bedrooms are fairly small with limited closet space, but with the unbelievably gorgeous view of the sunrise and the river we declared this our master bedroom...for now. (we are going to add on to our cozy cottage one day when we need more room, and have more money)
We received the most beautiful Ralph Lauren comforter from my brother and his girlfriend as a wedding gift, and we bought ourselves a new bed for Christmas so we decided we were going to go all the way and upgrade our bedroom. Who would have ever thought I'd get so excited about paint chips? Well, I am. And I think I've found the perfect one for our walls. Once we've redone our closets anyway, which is next on the list. For now I'm happy with my yellow accent piece chest, newly hung light fixtures and deep blue beautiful comforter. Don't worry, I think I'm going to get some before pictures once I pull myself off of this iPad so I can compare later done the road.
Now, back to this crazy addicting game called Angry Birds...
As our house buying process is (very) slowly coming to an end and we are preparing for settlement, we've decided to start a few of our small projects. Numero Uno? The master bedroom. Ok, so it's a little hard to call it master since all the bedrooms are fairly small with limited closet space, but with the unbelievably gorgeous view of the sunrise and the river we declared this our master bedroom...for now. (we are going to add on to our cozy cottage one day when we need more room, and have more money)
We received the most beautiful Ralph Lauren comforter from my brother and his girlfriend as a wedding gift, and we bought ourselves a new bed for Christmas so we decided we were going to go all the way and upgrade our bedroom. Who would have ever thought I'd get so excited about paint chips? Well, I am. And I think I've found the perfect one for our walls. Once we've redone our closets anyway, which is next on the list. For now I'm happy with my yellow accent piece chest, newly hung light fixtures and deep blue beautiful comforter. Don't worry, I think I'm going to get some before pictures once I pull myself off of this iPad so I can compare later done the road.
Now, back to this crazy addicting game called Angry Birds...
Thursday, January 13, 2011
Bloggers Block
So I'm having a little bloggers block lately...I'm not sure I want to post next! :) While I think about it, I searched through my phone for any interesting pictures I could find. Enjoy:
[Beautiful Baby Nora]
[My dad found a beagle, who he liked to call Charlie for some reason, that followed him around all day and wouldn't stop licking his face...soul mates...]
[Queen Bee Evelyn...lounging ever so comfortably at my parents house.]
[Huge rose Bubba picked for me a while back to cheer me up, it worked!]
[My stylish little wal*mart witches hat, before Cathy's "Witches Brew" party]

[Waiting for the ice to defrost off my car and caught the most blazing red sunrise in my mirror]
Monday, January 10, 2011
Hunter for a Day...
My husband and I have somewhat of a rivalry between us when it comes to our "home turf". I pride myself on being the daughter of a waterman from the best area in the county, the 7th district. Bubba is the self proclaimed "Prince of Mechanicsville", descending from a long line of land workers, aka farmers. We wear rubber boots, they wear well-worn jeans and layers of camouflage. We know how to bait and cull a crab pot, they know how to plow a field and plant anything you could ever want.
There are obvious differences between our two backgrounds, and we love to tease each other about both. But we also like to trade off every once in a while and get a taste of how the other was raised. Recently, it was my turn to live like a farmer from Mechanicsville. In fact, my Dad, the waterman that he is, even joined in on the fun.
You see, my husband and his father have beagles. Lots of beagles. And they are some of the best trained rabbit hunting beagles you will find in St. Mary's County. Trust me, it's not just in the breed, Bubba and his dad (more his Dad I think...) have worked very hard to train these cute little pups to sniff out a rabbit trail no matter where they are. Sometimes it seems like they're speaking another language when trying to help the dogs stay on the trail or to jump the rabbit out of the brush.
I've never shot anything in my life besides alcohol, so for me going rabbit hunting is more of an on-looker type deal. But none-the-less it's very fun and amazing to see how these little beagles talk to each other and stay on the trail of a rabbit until someone finally tracks it down and shoots it. (Even if it takes a few shots as it did during this specific trip) And don't worry, it's not just a game, they actually eat everything they kill and if they don't, they give it to some of the Amish friends...yes, I just said Amish friends.
So if you're looking for some good old "county fun" call up a friend who hunts and tag along. It's definitely not something I ever thought I'd do, but it's good exercise and it gives you a real taste of the county. Don't know any rabbit hunters? Let me know, because these Hill boys are obsessed with rabbit hunting and can almost guarantee you a rabbit or two no matter where you go.
There are obvious differences between our two backgrounds, and we love to tease each other about both. But we also like to trade off every once in a while and get a taste of how the other was raised. Recently, it was my turn to live like a farmer from Mechanicsville. In fact, my Dad, the waterman that he is, even joined in on the fun.
You see, my husband and his father have beagles. Lots of beagles. And they are some of the best trained rabbit hunting beagles you will find in St. Mary's County. Trust me, it's not just in the breed, Bubba and his dad (more his Dad I think...) have worked very hard to train these cute little pups to sniff out a rabbit trail no matter where they are. Sometimes it seems like they're speaking another language when trying to help the dogs stay on the trail or to jump the rabbit out of the brush.
I've never shot anything in my life besides alcohol, so for me going rabbit hunting is more of an on-looker type deal. But none-the-less it's very fun and amazing to see how these little beagles talk to each other and stay on the trail of a rabbit until someone finally tracks it down and shoots it. (Even if it takes a few shots as it did during this specific trip) And don't worry, it's not just a game, they actually eat everything they kill and if they don't, they give it to some of the Amish friends...yes, I just said Amish friends.
So if you're looking for some good old "county fun" call up a friend who hunts and tag along. It's definitely not something I ever thought I'd do, but it's good exercise and it gives you a real taste of the county. Don't know any rabbit hunters? Let me know, because these Hill boys are obsessed with rabbit hunting and can almost guarantee you a rabbit or two no matter where you go.
[My grandfather and I before rabbit hunting, don't let the gun fool you, I'm not the shooting type.]
[Heading out to the woods and fields for our hunt...Like I said above, we wear rubber boots. Mine happen to be pink and fabulous!]
Sunday, January 9, 2011
Time for a Makeover!
Welcome to my first post under the new name of, The Point Breeze Post. Not that I didn't like Point Breeze Palaver, but hardly anyone I met knew how to pronounce it much less what it meant. For the record, here is the correct definition of Palaver: [puh-lav-er, -la-ver] noun- a conference or discussion.
It's an old school word, and now I'm laying it to rest. So welcome to The Point Breeze Post! A little inspiration for your average St. Mary's County resident from my small corner of Point Breeze Road. I'm going to make an effort to make every blog post count, and hopefully some of you will read it and actually find it interesting or enlightening. I love to try new things, and 2011 is certainly going to be full of them. I'd love to hear your thoughts and opinions on some of the things I'm blogging about, so please leave me some comments, suggestions, etc.
It's an old school word, and now I'm laying it to rest. So welcome to The Point Breeze Post! A little inspiration for your average St. Mary's County resident from my small corner of Point Breeze Road. I'm going to make an effort to make every blog post count, and hopefully some of you will read it and actually find it interesting or enlightening. I love to try new things, and 2011 is certainly going to be full of them. I'd love to hear your thoughts and opinions on some of the things I'm blogging about, so please leave me some comments, suggestions, etc.
Wednesday, January 5, 2011
For the Party Planner
Yesterday, my co-worker was telling me how she was attending an "Old Hollywood" themed party and sent me a link to a website that had inspired her friend to throw the party. I can't believe I didn't know about this website sooner, it's everything a party planner could ever want! Tons of beautiful inspiration boards and ideas for parties, events, etc. It's called The Hostess with the Mostess and she certainly is. This blog more than earned it's way onto my list of blogging buddies (at right), so make sure to check them out!
Tuesday, January 4, 2011
Monday, January 3, 2011
Christmas Cards
One of my favorite parts of Christmas is sending and receiving holiday greeting cards. It's a chance to see how my friends and family are celebrating the season and just seem to bring a smile to my face. One of my least favorite parts of the Christmas Card? Having to throw it away! In fact, I am totally that girl who has a shoebox full of birthday, greeting, thank you, etc. cards under my bed from YEARS ago.
I think I've figured out how to break my hatred for getting rid of all my beautiful cards. I threw them all on my bed, scooched them all together and snapped a picture. Now I won't feel so guilty when I have to throw all that money and cuteness out with the garbage (or recycling).
Here are the Christmas cards Bubba and I received this year, can you find yours!! I guarantee you its in there :)
I think I've figured out how to break my hatred for getting rid of all my beautiful cards. I threw them all on my bed, scooched them all together and snapped a picture. Now I won't feel so guilty when I have to throw all that money and cuteness out with the garbage (or recycling).
Here are the Christmas cards Bubba and I received this year, can you find yours!! I guarantee you its in there :)
Every year I seem to make a resolution that I never keep. Will I do it again this year? Possibly. But I'm going to try really hard and hold true to it for as long as I can. And what is my resolution for 2011? Simple:
Live My Life, For Me.
Honestly it's a motto many people live by anyway, but sometimes it's hard. You get caught up in pleasing others and life is always throwing you some kind of distraction, so when this happens I'm just going to remind myself that this year I'm going to 'Live My Life, For Me.'
Living my life, for me will consist of expanding my photography hobby into a possible business venture, traveling as much as possible without a care in the world, and enjoying every second I have of my first year being married. I'm going to do all the things that make me happy and try not to stress out too much.
Cross your fingers for me!
Sunday, January 2, 2011
Happy New Year!
Goodbye 2010 and hello 2011!
2010, it's been real, but it's time for you to go. You brought me many great moments and memories that I will never ever forget. I enjoyed life as an engaged woman; Attending bridal shows and scowering bridal shops for the perfect dress. I watched a lot of new movies, read a few good books and shot a TON of pictures with my favorite toy every, my Canon Rebel. I took an exciting trip to Destin, FL too see my sister's best friend tie the knot and road tripped our way home stopping in the sweet Savannah, GA. I turned 24, lost my beloved grandmother, Maw-Maw and started a new position at work. I thrived in planning my wedding, married my best friend and love of my life, and then took a beautiful and top-notch honeymoon to the island of Kauai, Hawaii. I enjoyed living in Coltons Point to the fullest by having a party for the blessing of the fleet weekend and walking around the neighborhood in the evenings, and by getting the best news we'd heard in a long time; that we'd have to opportunity to buy the home we've been renting. I celebrated my first Thanksgiving and Christmas as a married woman and have made a few new friends who've already made a lasting impression on me.
Yes, 2010 was an eventful and wonderful year, which only leads me to believe that 2011 will be just as good, if not better!
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