I am still writing August on everything that requires a date, there is just no way it is September already. I guess the Autumn season is on its way whether I'm ready or not, so I might as well just embrace it. This is actually my most favorite time of year, the weather starts changing, your wardrobe starts changing, some of us even change our hair:
Yes, folks, I have done the unthinkable. I have gotten rid of the blond highlights I have had since about 10th grade and am going back to my natural color. I have to assume that this is somewhere close to natural since I haven't seen it in so long, but I think it will be a lot less maintenance and something totally different than what I'm used to. I'm pretty excited to start living as a brunette again!
ANYWAY, back to this talk about September...To me it is the month for weddings. Probably because our anniversary is September 4, making this past Sunday our very first anniversary! BUT, before I get into that, I wanted to share a few pictures with your from the Sell/Brown wedding on Saturday.
Erin, as I always describe her, is my best friend from college. She and I met by chance my sophomore year at Towson University when she was placed in our group for our Principles of Advertising class with professor Jung Sook-Lee. Erin had been out of class the day we picked groups and in all honesty was a wreck the first day we met her. She had broken up with her then boyfriend, who randomly was from the same high school as me. Small world to say the least. But the more we worked together and then more classes we ended up having, Erin became my rock in the Mass Communication world of TU.
And what makes this story even more ironic? Erin new husband, Matt, is ALSO from my high school and distantly related to me as well. And it's not like it's the same county just different high schools, Erin is from Bel Air, MD and I am from St. Mary's County, MD - at least 2.5 hours apart. Anyway, my great-grandmother was a Brown before she married her husband, Buster Morris. And her brother, I believe, was Matt's great-grandfather. Small world indeed. So, without further ado, here are same pictures of my gorgeous friend Erin and her very lucky husband, Matt and their perfect wedding day:
Mary's Hope, St. Inigoes, MD - The perfect back drop for Erin and Matt's special day. |
Erin's lovely mom, Mary. Without a doubt, Mary's Hope was the perfect place for this wedding! |
The stunning bride being escorted down the aisle by her father. |
I couldn't resist a veil shot, so pretty. |
Mr. & Mrs. Brown!!! |
The reception was flawless! ps- recognize those table runners? You might have seen them HERE. |
Hope (bridesmaid): "Erin, do you want a towel?"
Erin: "Oh no, we aren't doing that."
So much for that... :) |
Congratulations, Erin and Matt, I wish you both the best of luck in the future and love you both!
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