I'm trying to be better about posting to this here blog, so I'm making an attempt to catch up now via my Mobile Round-Up. Here is a collection of cell phone snaps that summarize the last week or two.
Here we go:
New hair and a new dress, at the risk of sounding like a McDonalds commercial, I'm loving it. Everyone should treat themselves to a 'mini makeover' every once in a while. I've been highlighting and coloring my hair since 10th grade (dear god, that's 10 years ago) and one day I was thinking, hmm...I'm not even sure what my natural hair color is anymore. Then I found a picture of my style icon, Zooey Dechanel, and told my wonderful hairdresser, Crystal, to make it happen! My mother claims that she doesn't think my hair is naturally this dark, but I've YET to see any roots growing out so I think we were pretty spot-on with the color choice... |
My "Bee-F-F". This is Amanda B, better known to most as Bee. I like to think that I played a part in her infamous nick-name, but it was so long ago I can't really remember. No, we didn't take a time machine back to 1975, the wood paneling, awful lighting and fluffy hair (to the right) are all part of the atmosphere known as Anderson's Bar. There isn't much better than a fun bar that's only about 15 minutes away from your house. I used to frequent it a lot more when I was still playing softball, so it felt good to be back and do some stop light shots. Anyway, I love this picture because Bee and I have been friends for so long and now we're cousin's-in-law (if that's even a term). It's funny how the best people you know always end up staying in your life. <3 |
I love my new travel mug. My lovely friend, Erin, gave this to me as a gift for reading in her wedding a couple of weekends ago, and I can't stop using it. This nifty mug keeps hot drinks hot and cold drinks cold. AND it has an M and a pink lid. Ahhh, she knows me so well :) I may be a little too excited about a mug, especially when I am mainly using it at that dreaded place called work, but it brightens my mornings! |
If you follow me on Twitter(@mindlehill), you may have already seen this, but I can't help showing it off again. I took this picture last Friday as I was pulling out of my driveway and heading to work. It was one of the first days that truly felt like fall. A cool breeze was blowing and the sun was shining down on the Potomac River with clear skies. It was absolutely heavenly, I couldn't help myself from stopping and staring and taking it all in. Bubba and I are so blessed to live in such a beautiful and breathtaking location. |
Double Trouble. Ok, so they aren't really THAT much trouble, but the are a handful. Meet Samson (top) and Evelyn (bottom). Better known as Sammy and Eve. We had a yard sale this weekend at my sisters house and these two were there to keep us company. Thankfully no one tried to bargain for a pit bull. I'm not a big fan of dogs, but these two really melt my cold heart. Look at those eyes...how can you not love them?! |
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