So I've been caught up to. All this wedding planning, work, cleaning and softball has finally worn me out. I reached a point this morning when I finally said, "I need some rest." Not necessarily sleep, but just some good old fashion RELAXATION. I'm hoping that tonight I'll be able to force myself not to do laundry (yeah...that should be real hard...), not worry about painting/cutting/designing signs for the wedding reception (or think about the 5,000 other things we HAVEN'T done yet) and just relax. I figured I was long over due when I chugged 2 cups of coffee this morning AND a sugary donut and it didn't even come close to perking me up, I just wanted to curl up under my desk and take a nap. (For the record however, I did NOT cave in and take a nap, that would get me in trouble...)
Nothing is more relaxing than grabbing a blanket and a good book, and finding a perfectly sunny spot in the grass to lay in and just breathe. Now that would be ideal, especially on a nice warm day like today, and there is always a breeze in Coltons Point, so my odds are pretty good that this little fantasy just might come true for me tonight. Now that I think about it, I did have the chance to lounge in the grass on Tuesday evening. Granted it was wet and I'm pretty sure I was lying on a dead bee (courtesy of the fabulous Melissa Barrick). My dear fiance and I had our engagement photos done this week, and one of the many scenes we posed in was in the grassy yard by the museum. I've plugged her before and I'll plug her again, Melissa Barrick Photography is outstanding! She is such a natural at taking photos and making the subjects feel very at ease. I'm happy to call Melissa a friend, and am so glad I've gotten to be photographed by her on more than one occasion! I can't wait to see the rest of our engagement photos next week, as well as when September 4 rolls around and she takes our wedding photos! Make sure you check her out...
As the clock is ever-so-slowly ticking away, I'm getting closer and closer to my relaxation destination...HOME :)
Thanks for the plug Mindy! I had so much fun with you and Bubba!