Thursday, December 31, 2009
2009 Comes to an End

Tuesday, December 22, 2009
They give me hope
You may be wondering what brought on this sudden surge of affection for my sweet neighbors. The fact that I was greeted with a smiling face and friendly wave as I crossed the yard on my way in yesterday is just the beginning. About an hour later I answered the front door, only to find my neighbors standing there with a bouquet of flowers and a tray of Oysters Rockefeller (on the half shell and all)! "I heard that a congratulations is in order," she said with a sly grin on her face as she handed me the cheery red, white and yellow boquet. "You both like Oysters, right? 15 minutes at 375 and 2 minutes in the broiler and your done," he instructed me as he handed me a full tray.
They had heard about our engagement (or possibly saw the act) and wanted to wish us the best and congratulate us. If we had more people in this world who were like these two in the way of caring, thoughtfulness and hospitality, maybe, just maybe it would be a better place. Maybe the human race itself wouldn't be so bitter and thinking the world owes them something 24-7.
There aren't many people left out there like my beautiful neighbors, and to be lucky enough to live next door to them makes us two very blessed souls.
Saturday, December 19, 2009
Let it Snow!
Playing in the snow, sledding, making snow angles, you name it, I did it and this year I hoped wouldn't be any different. So how majorly disappointed was I when I found out I have 'Sinusitis' yesterday...Basically I have a sinus infection, but this one is unusually annoying and debilitating for me. So no playing in the snow this weekend. (Although I did make it out for about 5 minutes to try and clean my car off) At least we've gotten so much though it looks like it's going to stick around for a while. Dare I even say we might have a white Christmas? I can only pray, because nothing is more perfect than a White Christmas with the ones you love.
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Hill Family Photos
In fact, we were lucky enough to be the subjects of one of her photoshoots. You see, back in June when Bubba's nephew, Jakey, turned 1 year-old we gave his parents a gift certificate for a 2 hour shoot with Melissa. Well life moves quickly and before we knew it, December was here and still no pictures. So Sarah (Jake's mom and my future sister-in-law) set up a date with Melissa and decided she wanted the whole Hill clan in the photos, not just she, her husband Adam and little Jake.
So we all bundled up and headed to Greenwell State Park for our photoshoot. I personally was a little nervous about the photos since technically I wasn't a real part of the Hill family, but little did I know, just a week later I'd be engaged and the soon-to-be Mrs. Mindy Hill!
So anyway, back to my point, check out a "sneak peek" of the Hill Family Photo's on Melissa's Website. And if you're looking for a photographer, give Melissa a call or an email because she is a true professional and has a natural talent for photography!
Monday, December 14, 2009
The Story
Monday, December 7, 2009
The Big Apple
This is not my first time traveling to New York, in fact, I've done just about every winter "touristy" attraction possible. I've been to the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade and watched the ball drop in Time Square on New Years. It's just something about New York in December that keeps me coming back for more. Maybe it's the lights, or possibly the unbelievably creative window displays donning every store window. Perhaps it's the scarves and peacoats that line the streets, or just the simple excitement and joy that exudes off of every person you pass.
This trip we explored the town, watched the AMAZING Radio City Music Hall Rockettes, ate a superb dinner at The View on the 47th floor that slowly rotates to give you a view of the entire city, bargained on Canal Street, remembered at the site of the World Trade Center, and did some shopping in the beautiful Bryant Park which was filled with unique vendors.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009
It's that time of year...

To all my friends, thank you so much for being there for me, I love you all very much!!
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
So our night out to the Green Door resulted in us realizing that we want to have our own bar where you don't have to think, you can come to drink AND we don't care if you stink! And it's all in honor of our friend Dan (shown blushing at the end of the video). As soon as we figure out how we're all going to pull our money to start this bar it's going to be St. Mary's County's newest hot spot...Ok, probably not, but Friday night we sure thought it was a good idea!
Video: Starring Adam, Bubba & Dan. Producer-Bee
Monday, November 9, 2009
This is why...
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Negligent Blogger

So Bubba and I technically had our first Halloween "together" this year. And by together I mean out on our own, being able to decorate our house, carve pumpkins and give out candy-even if we only got about 10 trick-or-treaters. That's better than none! Anyway-we had our first Halloween and I think it was a success...we dressed up as Peggy and Al Bundy from Married With Children!

Another thing that I've been thinking about lately is my career path. It's a tough pill to swallow every month as I am paying my student loans and realize that I am probably only putting about 25% of that specific education to use. Before I graduated I knew that if I moved home, my odds of actually having a career in advertising or public relations was pretty slim to none, but that was a risk I was willing to take in order to be close to my family and the one place I truly love, St. Mary's County. But now, like I said, it can be hard to deal with, but that's just something I'll have to get over. In fact, I've never been more ready or willing to try and pursue something non-traditional in my life when it comes to my career. I was telling my mom just the other day that I am good at "stuff", how do I make a business or career out of "stuff"? And just what do I mean by stuff? I love organizing, simplifying, decorating, cleaning, making things look pretty, anything classic, planning themes for parties etc. That is my "stuff", so how do I make that happen? Your guess is as good as mine (and much appreciated!;) Since I was young I knew I wanted to be a stay at home mom some day, and as I get older, I've realized that it's hard for families to only have one bread winner and that for a mom to contribute, but still spend the ample, quality time she desires with her children, her own business or work from home business would be the best way. I'm just planning ahead here people :)

Thursday, October 29, 2009
The Indestructible Cat
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
What's going on?
I'll never forget that Wednesday evening my dad pulled up to my house and didn't get out of the truck. Lucky for him I had seen him coming down the road, so I ran out of the house to say hello. I'd gone home sick from work that day, so I'd been lounging around all day and had a sudden burst of energy. Greeting him with my normal, "What's happening Jeb!" his typical carefree grin wasn't all there as he answered, "well, Adam's missing..."
The back story: Adam's mother, Brenda, and my dad have the same father, making them half brother and sister. They never really grew up together, despite their close ages and location, and this is something that my dad and our family truly regret.
Adam's missing? Where'd he go? I haven't seen him in years, would I even recognize him? These were all the thoughts running through my head. Feeling like I needed to do something to help I buckled in next to my dad and drove around the 7th District looking for Adam and his Black S-10. We never found Adam, but the next day the police did. Adam is no longer with us, after an intentional auto accident. Adam took his own life at only 18 years young. The next week was absolutely heart-breaking to witness. I've never seen my dad so down in the dumps, let alone Brenda and her family. I imagine losing a child is like having part of your own soul ripped out of you, but I'm sure those who have experienced this will tell me it's much worse. Those next few days felt like I was outside of my body just watching the sadness and despair that swept over so many people who knew Adam.
Back to the point of my blog: I want to know when all of this tragedy is going to end. This afternoon, another young teen took his own life in the 7th District. Just over a year ago, a teenage friend of the family took his own life too, again in the 7th District. Are we tainted? What is the deal? I know we aren't the only people to experience this kind of thing, but it's just a bit unsettling. Children today, and yes I still consider teenagers children since in the scheme of things they are still very young, need to talk more. At Adam's funeral, Dr. Morales told all of us in attendance that we need to talk. Why bottle things up inside? Find someone to talk to, I'm begging you! No matter how bad it seems, you have to remember that you are still young and that life goes on. It doesn't stop, it doesn't pause, it doesn't linger...it keeps moving.

Thursday, October 22, 2009
A Toast...

This past weekend, my best friend got married. So let's raise our (imaginary) glasses and honor Amanda & Charlie!

I knew Charlie was the "one" for Amanda when he told me he would travel all across the country with her as long as she was happy and they could be together. I also knew it was meant to be when Amanda called to tell me about the new guy she met and that he was named Charlie. You see, Amanda had a tendency to refer to people as "Charlie" regardless of what their name really was. For example: Amanda: "Oh you know, that guy...I think his name is Charlie." Mindy: "No, Amanda, his name is Mike." Amanda: "Oh, well, whatever, you know what I mean." So now that Amanda has found her REAL Charlie, I know it's meant to be.

I have no doubt that Amanda and Charlie are going to have a life full of many fond and loving moments as they truly complete and compliment each other perfectly. I love you both will all of my heart and wish you all the happiness in the world. Congratulations to two of the best friends a girl could ask for!
Friday, October 9, 2009
It's Official: We're Grown-Ups

Monday, October 5, 2009
Old Time Summer...or Fall...
"Old Time Summer" is what my favorite little brother likes to call the time he spends running around the 7th district hanging out on the water, fishing, tubing, maybe even drinking a little...My description, as he will surely tell you, doesn't quite do it justice. However, I'll do my best: It's the feeling you get cruising around the back roads with your windows down and music up; the distinct smell of the "rivah"; the sensation that runs through your body when you look outside and realize the sun is shining, the wind is gently blowing and you just KNOW you're day is going to be filled with smiles, laughter and good friends...OTS.
To me, this past weekend is a pretty great example of an OTS, except it was more like an "Old Time Fall". The first weekend in October is always one of my favorites for two reasons: The Sotterley Wine Festival and the Blessing of the Fleet. The WineFest is somewhat of a tradition for my mom, sister and I, attending every year and drinking our fill of the sweetest wines from each vendor. We then head down to Colton's Point for what I consider the celebration of everything 7th district: The Blessing of the Fleet. With a blessing of the boats, more delicious food than you can imagine (even fried Oreos), bands, magician, craft vendors, artists and boat rides to St. Clements Island, this festival represents what many people down our way hold near and dear to their hearts; Tradition and Heritage. This year was even better than all the years past, since I live only three houses down from the museum, where it's held. The best part? Getting to enjoy the spectacular fireworks display from my front yard with dear friends and family.

(It should be called butterfly island, not St. Clement's Island!)
Friday, October 2, 2009
Summer Close Out
Up Next: My baby brother is turning 21, my best friends is getting married, holiday functions and my glorious trip to NYC (more about that later!). Many memories to be made, and good times to be had.
A stroll down summer 2009 memory lane:

Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Monday, September 21, 2009
"The Routine"
The early days consisted of cassette tapes and the few radio stations we could actually pick up, then we gradually progressed to CD's. But what didn't change? The Routines.
Practicing until we had every move down pat, we'd have our routines perfected just in time to bombard our parents as they walked through the door from work. Our routines changed based on music selection and mood, not to mention skill level.
Growing up I thought we were the only ones with "Routines", but recently I have been enlightened. It all started when I saw 'The Routine' episode of FRIENDS. Brother and sister duo, Ross and Monica, busted out their routine below. At the time, it was the funniest thing I'd ever seen, but it made me realize, maybe we weren't the only family creating and performing these crazy "Routines".
And then it happened. So quickly and naturally. Last weekend, my darling boyfriend and his sister jumped onstage at Howl at the Moon in Baltimore (to understand why this was such an easy task, visit http://www.howlatthemoon.com/) and performed what I believe was a routine. While he claims he was just following her lead, it was too well rehearsed and smooth for me to buy it. There were some underlying roots of routines past radiating off the stage. I wasn't able to capture it on video, however I was able to snap a few pictures.

I'm determined to believe every family has some sort of routine up their sleeves for special moments like this, and if they don't they should!
Monday, September 14, 2009
Slowing Down...

Wednesday, September 9, 2009
My Apologies

On another note, I was more than thrilled to spend Saturday morning with the one and only Jacob Smith! His precious little smile certainly lights up the room. It was a nice morning at the point to say the least. I love getting to spend time with Bubba's family.