
Tuesday, January 31, 2012

2012 Resolution Follow Up

It has only been 31 days, and I can't remember what I pledged for the new year, other than (obviously) to get in some sort of shape.  So, I've decided to look back at my blogpost from New Years Eve, and give a little status update as to where I stand with each one.  In fact, I'd like to check back in at the end of each month and report on how I'm doing. Here we go:

1. Photo of the Day challenge - I'm shockingly doing pretty well with this one. Ok, so my pictures haven't been quite as visually stimulating as I'd hope they'd be, but I'm going to work on that.  Once the temperatures start warming up, that might help as well.  At least I've managed to get 31 Photos of the Day posted in the month of January, right?

2. Reacquire my physical fitness - Am I back in tip-top shape? No, BUT the hubs and I have both agreed on a healthier lifestyle for the new year, and I can certainly see a difference.  I've exchanged sweet tea and soda for water, white breads and pasta's for whole wheat (as often as I can), and limiting the amount of sweets I have throughout the week. Though I haven't gotten on the scale, I do know for a fact that I have decreased my amount of bloat.  All of my pants that I tried my hardest to avoid because they were uncomfortably snug, are now back in my weekly line up.  Are they loose? No, but they are so much more comfortable than they were before. Another successful change we've made is eating out. Lunches are now packed (the majority of the time) and we only go out for dinner on the weekends.

3. Rediscover my passion for fashion - I love a good dress, but I HATE pantyhose.  Just saying the word makes me cringe.  So any ideal improvements to my wardrobe are waiting for warmer weather.  However, for the time being I have made a concentrated effort to improve my look. I've been doing my hair more often and even taking the time in the mornings to pick out something different that I feel happy in. (*This is an ongoing effort and even though I'm trying, I am well aware that there are some days when I just haven't put the effort in.)

4. Don't Worry, Be Happy - This is probably the hardest of all my resolutions. I'm a born "people pleaser" and the word "No" doesn't always find its way into my vocabulary.  Thus leading to some stressful and frustrating situations, which means an unhappy Mindle.  But I have come up with a few remedies for this; I've been making more time for my own hobbies like reading, blogging, photography and home decor projects. Now if only I could squeeze some traveling in there...

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